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Electric Vehicle Association (EVA) Annual Meeting, January 26 - 28, 2024

EVA life-sized banner

At Aptera electric "autocycle" facility, Carlsbad, California

Three Aptera Autocycles at the Aptera facility, 5818 El Camino Road, Carlsbad, CA  92008

Photos and Report by Carl Morrison,

Designed at 1280 screen width.

The Electric Vehicle Association  (EVA) announced that their 2024 Annual Meeting would again take place at the Aptera Headquarters in nearby Carlsbad, California.  I renewed my EVA membership for $55 allowing me to attend their meeting on January 26-28, 2024.  Additionally, this year I attended the suggested San Diego County locations on Friday, January 26, and the taco dinner at the National President's home in Cardiff, San Diego County, California.

This report on the Friday, January 26, 2024, conference activities includes University of California San Diego (UCSD) Sustainability Efforts, La Jolla, California; optional visit to the Meditation Gardens at 215 W. K Street, Encinitas, California; and Taco dinner for EVA conference attendees in Cardiff, California.  I stayed overnight at Tamarack Beach Resort, 3200 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, California.

This report on the Saturday, January 27, 2024, tour of the Aptera "Autocycle" Headquarters includes:  Photos of the black and white Aptera vehicle "SOL" and 3 other versions;  Videos of Jay Leno's and Sandy Munro's evaluation of the Aptera;  and photos of Aptera CEO Chris Anthony at the EVA Annual Meeting.

Table of Contents
I.  Aptera facility Electric Vehicle Association meeting, Saturday January 27, 2024, 5818 El Camino Road, Carlsbad, CA  92008

II.  Videos of Aptera guest rides at Aptera headquarters.

III.  Videos of Aptera  assembly stations with Chris Anthony, CEO Aptera, speaking.

IV.  University of California San Diego (UCSD) Sustainability Efforts, La Jolla, California
, Friday, January 26, 2024

Tesla Superchargers used in Solana Beach and Vista, California.

VI.  Meditation Gardens in Encinitas, California

VII.  Members BBQ taco dinner in Cardiff, California

Friday night accommodations at Tamarack Beach Resort in Carlsbad.

IX.  More details about Aptera, the company, including Jay Leno and Sandy Munro videos evaluating Aptera autocycle.

I.  Aptera facility Electric Vehicle Association meeting, Saturday January 27, 2024, 5818 El Camino Road, Carlsbad, CA  92008

What drew me to renew ($55) with the Electric Vehicle Association and attend their 2024 annual meeting was the fact that the meeting would again be  held at  the Aptera "factory" in Carlsbad, California, a little over an hour's drive from my home in Orange County, California.  I would be able to put our 2020 RWD Tesla 3 in Autopilot on freeways 91, 241 and 5 upon leaving home and not turning it off until the exit in San Diego County for the carpool location for the Friday activities.  Carlsbad is also where we own a timeshare on the beach at the Tamarack Beach Resort where I stayed on a Beach Break on Friday night.  Friday suggested activities were of interest to me as well as other out-of-town guests so I attended the pre-conference day, Friday, for those activities..

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Three models of Apteras greeted EVA members at their facility in Carlsbad, California.

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Kashif Sohail of San San Ramon was kind enough to take my photo next to "SOL". 

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I believe this is "Alpha" the first model produced.  Solar panels can be seen on the fronk lid and roof.

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(Above and below)  This was the white and black "Sol" in the center above.

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This third to the right, grey, Aptera showed a few solar panels on the rear deck.

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EVs driven to the conference meeting at Aptera, Left Ford Mach-E, Above Tesla S driven by the EVA President.

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Our 2020 Model 3 on Hwy. 101 at South Carlsbad State Beach, Carlsbad, CA

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Inside Aptera headquarters, EVA members  awaiting entry to meeting area.

The blue line is their future assembly line.

Panorama of the assembly area (left) around to the meeting area on the right.

Chris Anthony, CEO Aptera



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Battery for smallest pack, longer for other 2 battery packs.  Right, 4 copper-backed solar panels, bendable, even breakable and still works.  White lines are reflection of room in meeting area.

Another Aptera inside by the meeting area which I was able to sit in.

This is the Aptera and driver who took lottery-drawn rides around the outside lot. (videos later of those rides)

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Right, view behind the 2 seats for driver and passenger.

Driver's view with screen in middle like Tesla 3 and Y.

Foot petals.  No need to use the negative with regenerative braking on the + pedal.

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Left, view of door raised and front left wheel from driver's seat.  Right, open back hatch.

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Me, last year, squeezing into an Aptera at the same facility.

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Test Ride Videos:


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III.  Videos of Aptera assembly stations with Chris Anthony, CEO Aptera, speaking.

Meeting Notes

Video of Chris Anthony listing expected production in this facility:

Note in the assembly videos that there is no paint booth, cutting possible emissions, all body parts are carbon fiber.  But you can wrap your Aptera and they will give you the cut pattern for wrapping it. 

EVA logo

One important feature of EVA is their listing of current Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and their price and range from $26,500 to $98,490.

IV.  University of California San Diego (UCSD) Sustainability Efforts, La Jolla, California
, Friday, January 26, 2024

A Friday, pre-conference visit was the UCSD Sustainability Effort which I attended.

Because of limited parking on the UCSD campus we were encouraged to carpool from the Birmingham Park and Ride at 749-818 Birmingham Dr. Cardiff, CA.  I was able to get specific directions about the carpool from member Nick who also helped me finally get registered since the registration website had not let me renew my membership before this day.

EVA President, Elaine Borseth, met us at the carpool location and helped us form carpools for the trip to UCSD.

(Remember:  Click on any image for a larger copy.)

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Mike and Jessica May from Las Vegas  ( graciously allowed Yours Truly and Murray from Tulsa, to ride along to the La Jolla UCSD campus.  Jessica dutifully paid the $4.25 campus parking fee.

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The troupe proceeded to meet our UCSD host.

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Although Kevin Norris, LEED-AP, Building Commissioning and Sustainability ( introduced himself as a substitute tour leader for the day, his expertise in the Sustainability efforts at UCSD was excellent.  His assistant was Taylor Kempf -  Kevin said that the UCSD campus uses CCS connectors. 
Kevin said UCSD has 300 charging ports and 2,000 users.

NACS (formerly Tesla connector) vs. CCS: What's the Difference?

Unlike gas-powered cars, EVs don't all use the same recharging system. The two most widely used setups are NACS and CCS, which have notable differences.
Full article in US news:

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We met near the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) pumps where a campus bus was fueling at a Gas Equivalent price of $3.00/gallon.

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Nearby were 2 EV 1 ChargePoint chargers no longer being used because of the evolution of charging capabilities on campus since 2011.

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Several San Diego Red Trolleys passed and I noticed a nearby campus stop.  Right, Several ocean-going containers had been repurposed as battery storage.

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Newer ChargePoint EV-4 Chargers were being used for a couple of the 500 electric carts owned by the University.  They also have 200 buses for student transportation running on CNG which are being converted to/or replaced by electric vehicles.  Chargepoint charger upper right says, "Tap your phone or Chargepoint card below."

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I think these are the "carts " Kevin referred to, being charged on EV 4 Chargepoint chargers.

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A Tesla (with an NACS to CCS adapter) and a VW were charging on the EV-4 CCS Chargepoint Chargers.

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The (Vehicle to Grid) V2G research is a renewed concept to take advantage of all the large mobile batteries (EVs) during high demand on the grid.
New construction on the right is for battery research.

Jessica May said, "It's nice to see the Leafs changing."  UCSD has a number of older, limited range Leafs they plan to let students use so they can charge at home and drive to campus, then charge at campus and drive home.  UCSD also has a building downtown they plan to use for student housing and the student can use the Red Trolley to commute to the La Jolla campus and back home.

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We walked to this new parking structure, 6th floor, to see the new PowerFlex EV-12 system.

There were two banks of EV-12 chargers this size.  Each charger is individually wired so it can control the charging for best use of the 12 hr. limit that some employees or students need.

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"Active charging only" was added to keep EVs from parking and not charging because of limited distant parking spots.  Since some EV users could not return to their car in the former 4-hr limit, this was a good solution by rather than ChargePoint.

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View from 6th floor of parking structure where EV-12 chargers are located.

View from 6th floor of new parking structure with EV-12 chargers.

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Since the suggested afternoon activities were at our own pace, I took lunch at the Fish Market near the Del Mar Racetrack.

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 Also during my lunch break I charged at the Solana Beach Tesla Supercharger.

Tesla Superchargers used in Solana Beach and Vista, California.


The restroom (grey doors on left) at this center are just a few steps from the chargers (right in photo).  Get the key from the Pet Vet further into the center.

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Before returning home on Saturday, I picked the Carlsbad, CA, Van Allen Way Tesla Supercharger. 
You may have seen the sign of the stores on the north side of Hwy. 78 near Vista.

Judging from the landscaping I think this is a new, large installation.

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Meditation Gardens in Encinitas, California


Another suggested activity was to go to the Torrey Pines Gliderport ,which I was very interested in for photography purposes, however because of the nearby Torrey Pines Golf Tournament, I could not find a parking spot.  So I proceeded to the Meditation Gardens for a time of meditation after unsuccessful visit to the Gliderport.


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Lots and lots of steps to get to the gardens, but the view from the former temple steps was perfect.


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Many side paths with meditation benches with ocean or gardens view.

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Members BBQ taco dinner in Cardiff, California

Member's BBQ at 4 pm at the EVA President's home in Cardiff, a few houses from this Pacific Ocean view as I was leaving.

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Only home I've seen with its own Tesla model car turf race track!

I enjoyed talking with EVA member Robert Bulecek,, Tucson, about the Teslas he manages on and his Tesla camping adventures charging at campsites.  The back of his business card says:  Solving Climate Disruption is simple:  1.  Don't invest in any more fossil fuel devices.  2.  Start getting rid of the ones you have.  (I feel like I'm on the way by our family selling 3 ICE cars and buying 2 Teslas and as soon as the Canoo is available we will sell our Chrysler Town and Country.  By the way I had a 1956 Chevy since 1998 and made $500 per year appreciation making more than 50% down payment on our Tesla Model 3 in 2020.

Robert referred to this article on home electrification in his LinkedIn account:

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Friday night accommodations at Tamarack Beach Resort in Carlsbad.

I spent Friday night in Carlsbad at the Tamarack Beach Resort before going Saturday to the Conference at Aptera.

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Tamarack Beach Resort overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  First floor hotel and restaurant, 2nd and 3rd floors are timeshare units.

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Just south of Tamarack Beach Resort in Carlsbad, I stopped on Saturday morning for a photo of our Tesla Model 3 with the ocean as background.

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Click Here for: 
More details about Aptera, the company, including Jay Leno and Sandy Munro videos evaluating Aptera autocycle.

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Thanks for reading my report -


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