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Tesla Road Trip
La Plata, Missouri - Anaheim, California
Day 12 - Monday, June 1, 2015
This segment covers travel from Richfield, Utah, to Las Vegas, Nevada.
If you have not yet read the first day of this Tesla road trip from Anaheim, California, to Richfield, Utah, then please
click here
to read that first.
Click on each link below for the report and photos from each day:
- Day 01: Thu 2015-May-21 Anaheim,CA - Richfield,UT
- Day 02: Fri 2015-May-22 Richfield,UT- Lone Tree,CO
- Day 03: Sat 2015-May-23 Lone Tree,CO - Salina,KS
- Day 04: Sun 2015-May-24 Salina,KS - La Plata,MO
- Day 05: Mon 2015-May-25 La Plata, Missouri
- Day 06: Tue 2015-May-26 La Plata, Missouri
- Day 07: Wed 2015-May-27 Tesla Destination Charger Ribbon Cutting
- Day 08: Thu 2015-May-28 La Plata,MO - Salina,KS
- Day 09: Fri 2015-May-29 Salina,KS - Lone Tree,CO
- Day 10: Sat 2015-May-30 Lone Tree,CO - Glenwood Springs,CO
- Day 11: Sun 2015-May-31 Glenwood Springs, CO - Richfield,UT
- Day 12: Mon 2015-Jun-01 Richfield,UT - Las Vegas,NV
- Day 13: Tue 2015-Jun-02 Las Vegas, Nevada
- Day 14: Wed 2015-Jun-03 Las Vegas,NV - Anaheim,CA
Below you will find the day, date, time, and time zone in BOLD for each location for when we arrived and departed. You will also find the letters "MP" followed by a four digit
number. "MP" stands for "Mile Post" and is a left over from the days that I used to write travelogues of my rail travels. The MP starts at 0000 at the departure from my Anaheim
Vacation House and will indicate how many miles we've traveled so far as we arrive at each location. Along with the location there will usually be a reading of how many
miles of charge are remaining on the battery on arrival and then again on departure after charging. Additional information might also be listed. For example, if at a
train station, a list of the trains serving that station might be shown which may be a clickable link to further information about that particular train service.

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Click on each link below for the report and photos from each day:
- Day 01: Thu 2015-May-21 Anaheim,CA - Richfield,UT
- Day 02: Fri 2015-May-22 Richfield,UT- Lone Tree,CO
- Day 03: Sat 2015-May-23 Lone Tree,CO - Salina,KS
- Day 04: Sun 2015-May-24 Salina,KS - La Plata,MO
- Day 05: Mon 2015-May-25 La Plata, Missouri
- Day 06: Tue 2015-May-26 La Plata, Missouri
- Day 07: Wed 2015-May-27 Tesla Destination Charger Ribbon Cutting
- Day 08: Thu 2015-May-28 La Plata,MO - Salina,KS
- Day 09: Fri 2015-May-29 Salina,KS - Lone Tree,CO
- Day 10: Sat 2015-May-30 Lone Tree,CO - Glenwood Springs,CO
- Day 11: Sun 2015-May-31 Glenwood Springs, CO - Richfield,UT
- Day 12: Mon 2015-Jun-01 Richfield,UT - Las Vegas,NV
- Day 13: Tue 2015-Jun-02 Las Vegas, Nevada
- Day 14: Wed 2015-Jun-03 Las Vegas,NV - Anaheim,CA
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Click here for info.