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The ad above
appeared on my local Tesla Meetup page. There was mention of free
coffee and donuts and it was local, so I attended. The next such
class will be next Saturday at 8 and all cars are invited. Check Masterson's Facebook page for a Saturday you can attend.

Excellent layout of their car care products appropriately priced.

Two helpful staff were available to answer questions.

I arrived about 11 a.m. and the training session had already begun.

Greg Masterson lead a nice training session with projected images and products which he pass around.

Products have a QR code which links to videos.

I was seated next to Mark Rietman of Boca Raton, Florida.

Horsehair brush suggested for upholstery cleaning.

had made up a bucket of products for about $80 which was the answer to
the attendee who asked, "Of all the products, what would be a basic
collections?" The car care apron with pockets for towels was also
Several Teslas lined up for some personal attention from Greg himself.

While leaving, I spotted 2 fully customized dark Teslas.

Mr Pink 3

Star Wars is Life
Mastersons 16 oz. product price list:
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