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How Will You Charge Your Tesla?
By Carl Morrison,
The least expensive way is to charge at home.
- The quickest solution
is to use your dryer plug, and split it with the SplitVolt (1).
This allows you to use your dryer in one of the two plugs on the Split
Volt and charge your EV in the other. The SplitVolt has the
circuitry to make sure you are not using the dryer at the same
time. If you are not using the dryer plug for a dryer, use the
dryer outlet on the SplitVolt for a second Tesla.
- The SplitVolt gives
you a readout of how many kilowatts you are using and if you know when
you are drying and when you are charging, you can calculate the cost of
each. (The original outlet gives no reading of how much
electricity you were using for the dryer.) Since you can set your
Tesla internally to charge any time; set it to charge at the lowest
rate time, plug it in each night, and forget it.
- If your dryer plug is in your garage, you will probably need an extension cord
(2) to reach your Tesla's mobile connector. (If your dryer is in
a room next to the garage, as mine was, have the plug moved through to
the garage side of the wall.)
- The
solution becomes: Plug in the SplitVolt (1) to the dryer plug;
plug in the extension cord (2) to the SplitVolt, plug in the mobile
connector that comes with the Tesla (3) with a 10-30 adapter (4) to the
extension cord, and you are in business! If you do not use your
dryer plug for a dryer, you can use that second plug for a second
Tesla, as I do.
I have used this setup for over a year with my 2020 Tesla Model 3.
These items are what you need to charge one or two Teslas using a dryer plug:
(Click any image below for a larger copy)
(1) Split Volt
$250 (I have one for sale.)
(2) 10 ft. and a 15 ft. Dryer Extension Cord
$60 each
(I have both for sale.)
Mobile Connector that comes with the Tesla w/20 ft. cord ($0)

mobile connector comes with a 5-15 adapter to plug into a 110
outlet. See "5-15 adapter" chart above to see the miles gained
per hour of charge.
using your dryer plug and the NEMA 10-30 adapter below, you charge up
to 7 times faster than the 5-15. See the chart above for "10-30
adapter" to see the miles gained per hour of charge.
(4) Gen 2 NEMA 10-30 adapter to increase the mobile connector from 110 v. to 240 v.
$30 (I have 2 for sale)
Interested in these items? $590 value for only $430 for all 5 items, plus shipping.
This is all you need to charge two Teslas from an electric dryer plug.
E-mail me at
Subject: Tesla Charging Items are in Placentia, (Orange County) California, 92870.
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