The survey writers' summary about networks.

How Important is Green Electricity?

What about workplace charging?

What were EV buyers motivations for buying?
Those who took the survey were provided with basic information.

A list of all-electric EVs ranked by range, under $100,000.

Sierra Club provides an excellent "Find Your Electric Vehicle", above, website at:
National Drive Electric Week at Diamond Bar, California, September 24, 2022

At first view, this was a fraction of the booths and participants as pre-COVID.

Victor Juan spoke on the "Replace Your Ride Program"

Program fully explained with links:

This lady had turned in a 1995 Toyota she had inherited from her mother, and used the money for this electric bicycle.

Speakers include:
Wally Rippel of Cal Tech, JPl, and winning team leader of
The First Transcontinental EV Race, 50 years ago, in a VW Bus,
will speak on what we can do for the Future
Notes from Wally Rippel's talk:
93% of the time, automobiles sit unused.
Lead acid batteries were invented in 1859, so Physics, not Chemistry,
research is needed to improve, as they have for over 100 years.
The evolution of radios: vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits.
Gas engines are 20% efficient in the use of a gallon of gasoline
Batter research's goal is to build 1,000 watt hr per kilogram battery
Better batteries will be quicker to charge with a goal of fully charge in 6 minutes
The GRID needs to store 2 or 3 days of energy
Current batteries cost $100 per kWh to build
Future batteries will be more like semiconductors in size
Gemini space program of the 60s used fuel cell to power rockets
In the 1960s, 80% of smog came from gas vehicles
15% of gasoline goes to power a car
14 mpg was the average in the 60s
What would it take to power all cars in California? 20% increase in generated power.
Extensive Interview With Rappel:
Search the address above for "The Great Electric Car Race" to read what Wally related to us.
How much emissions do electric cars produce?
Electric vehicles release half as much greenhouse gas emissions as gas-powered cars on average.
Published on Thu, August 18, 2022 5:17PM PDT | Updated Thu, September 1, 2022 3:07PM PDT
The full article:
After the speeches, I visited the booths outside.

National Drive Electric Week's booth.

This young fellow collected all free handouts he could find.

Those of us with electric vehicles could use the sign, upper right, fill in our mileage, and display in a window.

Announcement of the next Drive Electric Event Right, Listing of all electrics listed by price.
(Click the image above to enlarge.)

All handouts by Electric Vehicle Association were available at the code above (

SCE booth's handout and free flash light.
Thus ended a small, but informative event.
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